The 77th G.C.C Annual General Meeting was held at the clubrooms on the 8th of August. Unlike A.G.M's of recent times, this meeting lasted longer than 15 minutes with a change in structure of the committee taking place.
President of 10 years Stuart Slade, ended his reign as president and long serving vice president Brett Smith was unopposedly elected as the new president of the Glenorchy Cricket Club, with a number of changes to the committee taking place with newly awarded life member Andrew 'Spotty' McKellar a popular choice as vice president along with Daryl Coates.
As mentioned Spotty was awarded with his long overdue life membership, a true reward for a champion person around the club who has given an enormous amount in his 17 years involvement not just on the field, where he is 2nd on the all time wicket taker's list in 2nd grade at the club, but also around the club in things like helping serve behind the bar, never missing a club function and always being in the last few to leave any night after training.